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Tag: bankruptcy

Once I File For Bankruptcy, Is It A Sure Thing That My Debts Are Gone?

Learn About Bankruptcy With A Rochester Bankruptcy Law Firm Too many people have the misunderstanding that by simply filing for bankruptcy all of their debts will be discharged. This is not a correct understanding of how bankruptcy works. Simply filing for bankruptcy does not guarantee that you will be successful. There are many reasons why your bankruptcy[…]

Stopping Foreclosure Through Bankruptcy

Foreclosure Attorney In Rochester Are Here To Help You Foreclosure is the process through which a mortgage lender repossesses the homes of homeowners who have defaulted on their payments. Generally, the lender takes possession of the property, then sells the property. Once a homeowner has defaulted, the lender may foreclose at any time. Many homeowners who[…]

What is a Discharge in Bankruptcy?

Contact A Rochester Bankruptcy Lawyer Today! Many people understand that bankruptcy can help those who are having financial problems, but are unclear about how exactly bankruptcy can help them. A bankruptcy discharge is perhaps the most attractive benefit of filing for bankruptcy and the main reason why most people file. Simply put, a bankruptcy discharge releases the person from any[…]


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