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Tag: bankruptcy

Can Bankruptcy Eliminate My Tax Debts?

The thought of falling behind on your tax returns and having the government hound you overpayments is enough to make anyone nervous. Unfortunately, for many people, this is the reality they face. You may be getting official notices threatening all types of serious legal actions. While bankruptcy is not a cure-all for eliminating these types[…]

Out of Control Credit Card Debt? Bankruptcy May be a Solution

Many people dread getting the mail and seeing the high amounts outstanding on their credit card statements. If you are one of the many struggling to get on top of credit card debt while paying other bills and household expenses, it is important to know that bankruptcy may provide a solution. It provides honest debtors[…]

Four Steps to Take After Filing for Bankruptcy

Struggling with debt often feels like a hopeless situation. No matter how much you try to juggle payments, you can never seem to get ahead or get caught up on past due balances. Bankruptcy can provide a solution to this problem. It offers relief from the fear and anxiety you have likely been experiencing for[…]


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