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Category: Bankruptcy FAQ

Four Common Myths About Bankruptcy

Unexpected events happen all the time in life. When they do, it can cause you to get overwhelmed with debt. Job losses, a death in the family, an accident or illness, marital breakups, and other situations can result in added bills or falling behind on monthly payments. Once it reaches a point at which you[…]

Eliminating Medical Debts Through Bankruptcy

Accidents, illnesses, and chronic health conditions can pop up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, with the high costs of doctor and hospital care, you could easily find yourself overwhelmed with medical debts. If you fall behind in making payments, your account will be referred to a collection agency and you could find yourself facing harassing phone calls and[…]

Can Bankruptcy Eliminate My Tax Debts?

The thought of falling behind on your tax returns and having the government hound you overpayments is enough to make anyone nervous. Unfortunately, for many people, this is the reality they face. You may be getting official notices threatening all types of serious legal actions. While bankruptcy is not a cure-all for eliminating these types[…]


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