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What to Do After Declaring Bankruptcy in Michigan

After a bankruptcy case is in process or ends, there are certain things you can do to protect your future money situation. A Michigan bankruptcy attorney can tell you what you should do in your specific situation. Advise your lawyer if your creditors reach out. Once you file a bankruptcy case, the court orders your[…]

Does Bankruptcy Affect My Credit Score?

Many people don’t learn about a possible bankruptcy case because they have heard that bankruptcy will forever ruin their credit, and they will never get credit again. This is simply not true, however, and in many cases, bankruptcy can improve your overall credit picture. Below is some information about how bankruptcy might affect your credit,[…]

What is the Bankruptcy Means Test?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common type of bankruptcy for consumers, as it is the quickest and usually most efficient way to get rid of many of your debts. However, the law doesn’t let just anyone file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, as you must qualify based on your income and wages. If you have[…]


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