Even the most hardworking, responsible individuals can find themselves facing difficulties with unpaid debts. What once was a manageable situation can quickly become out of control as collection agencies’ calls intrude on your home life and past due bill notices pile up in the mail. Through no fault of your own, you may have fallen behind in making these payments. Unfortunately, once you do, it can be difficult if not impossible to ever get caught up. At the Office of Karen E. Evangelista, P.C., we understand how these situations can happen. Our experienced Hazel Park bankruptcy lawyer has more than 30 years of experience assisting people in trouble with unpaid bills get the help they need.
When times are good, it is not uncommon to take out personal loans or to put items you wish to purchase on credit cards. According to a 2018 CNBC news report, the average individual in this country has more than $38,000 in personal debts. At the time, you likely had every intention of staying on top of these bills, but life events can interfere. Situations can and do occur which make repayment of these debts nearly impossible.
Our experienced Hazel Park bankruptcy lawyer understands what you are going through. At the Office of Karen E. Evangelista, P.C., we provide debt relief solutions for people who are experiencing the following:
When you are faced with the above types of situations, it is important to be aware that help is available. Bankruptcy is an option provided through the U.S. Court system to help honest people struggling, to get back on their feet toward financial relief. Our Hazel Park bankruptcy lawyer Karen E. Evangelista, P.C. can assist you in using bankruptcy to reduce or eliminate the following types of debts: : Â
Hazel Park bankruptcy lawyer Karen E. Evangelista provides trusted legal guidance for people struggling with outstanding debts. To find out how she can help you, call or contact our Hazel Park bankruptcy lawyer online and request a consultation today. Â Â