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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers Utica

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers Utica

Are you constantly worried about your unpaid bills? Do you wonder if there is any way out of your money problems and debts you can’t afford to pay? If so, you shouldn’t wait to talk to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Utica about your options. For many people in your situation, filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case can clear up their money issues and allow them to sleep better at night. 

What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one of several kinds of bankruptcy cases in the U.S. This type of case is the most common type of bankruptcy filed by individuals or married couples dealing with overwhelming debt. To qualify, you have to show that you do not make enough money to pay your bills, and our attorney can let you know whether you can file a Chapter 7 case or not. 

How It Works

When your lawyer files a case for you, they will give the court all of your information about your income, debts, and property you own. Then, the court will order all of your creditors to stop trying to collect payments on your debts. Not having to dodge collections letters or calls or not having to face lawsuits or wage garnishments can give you peace of mind right from the start of your case. 

If you have too much property, the court can take some of it as part of your Chapter 7 case. However, your attorney can help you protect as much of your property as possible, and many people lose nothing or next to nothing during their cases. 

At the end of a successful Chapter 7 case, the court will “discharge” many of your debts. This means that you no longer have any legal duty to pay the debts, and creditors should stop seeking payment from you. Debts that are often discharged in a Chapter 7 case include:

  • Credit cards
  • Medical bills
  • Benefit overpayments
  • Personal loans from banks
  • Loans from family or friends
  • Most legal judgments
  • Some tax debts

A Chapter 7 case cannot get rid of your mortgage or car loan, but your lawyer can help you address those debts moving forward. Without the other payments to make, there is a better chance you can afford to keep up on your home and auto loans. 

Learn More from Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers in Utica

The best way to know whether you should file a Chapter 7 case is to meet with a lawyer who helps people with this type of bankruptcy on a regular basis. We can go over your situation and let you know if we think Chapter bankruptcy can help you. Even if Chapter 7 is not the right fit, there might be other solutions to help with your debt. 

Don’t wait to call Karen E. Evangelista, PC, for a free consultation about a possible bankruptcy. Contact our office today to take the first steps toward financial freedom and a fresh start.


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