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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers Roseville, MI

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers Roseville, MI

If you are worried every night about credit cards, medical bills, or other payments that you can’t afford, you are not alone. Many families across the United States and right here in Roseville, Michigan, have the same worries, day in and day out. They can keep you awake and cause constant stress, and you might think there is no end in sight. 

The good news is that there are ways you can take care of debt and restart your money situation. There are different options for different people, and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Roseville can listen to your story and tell you what can be right for you. For some people, the answer is filing a case for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is one way that the law lets people get rid of debts they can’t pay and start over with a clean slate. A bankruptcy case is filed in Bankruptcy Court, and you have to complete certain paperwork and give them information about your income, debts, and what you own. 

If you meet the requirements for a Chapter 7 case, the court can take some of your property and sell it to use the profits to pay off some of your debts. In many cases, however, people who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy won’t lose any property because there are protections in the law. Your bankruptcy attorney can help you use these protections to make sure that you keep as much as possible. 

At the end of your bankruptcy case, the judge can “discharge” your debts. This means that the judge orders that you no longer owe any money on these debts, and your creditors should stop seeking any payment for them. This frees up money that you would need for those payments and helps you stay on track with your leftover payments moving forward. 

Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy the Right Choice for You?

Even though Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a huge help for many people, this does not mean it is the best thing for everyone. There are different reasons why you might not want to file Chapter 7, such as:

  • You do not have the right type of debt that you can get rid of in Chapter 7
  • Your income is too high to qualify for Chapter 7
  • You have too much property and can’t protect all of it 

If you don’t want to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, don’t worry – there are still other ways you can address your debt and stop the constant worrying. When you meet with our lawyer, we can tell you other options that can work for you and your family. 

Talk to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers in Roseville, MI

When you meet with our Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Roseville, MI, we can help you decide whether or not to file a Chapter 7 case. If you decide to file, we will handle every step of your case. To speak with Karen E. Evangelista, PC, do not wait to contact us today.


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