A person certainly has the right to file a bankruptcy case on their own without hiring a lawyer. While you might save a little money right now, the truth is that filing bankruptcy on your own could also end up costing you much more later on down the road. The fees an attorney may charge[…]
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common type of bankruptcy for consumers, as it is the quickest and usually most efficient way to get rid of many of your debts. However, the law doesn’t let just anyone file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, as you must qualify based on your income and wages. If you have[…]
Dealing with money problems is never easy. But what if you lost your job during the COVID-19 pandemic? There are many things you may be having a hard time with, including money. If you lost your job and have money problems now, you may be thinking of filing for bankruptcy. Losing a job sometimes goes[…]